We are a church that is committed to the preaching and teaching of the Word of God and to living what we are taught in authenticity. You will be challenged to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ we take His Command of discipleship seriously. In our services, you will experience dynamic praise and worship as we exalt Jesus Christ for His redeeming grace. We are committed to loving and caring for one another as we obey the command of Christ to love one another as He loved us.

We are a church within the fellowship of the Assemblies of God. Here are our statements of faith and fundamental truths.


We believe that kids should learn about the bible at church every week - and in KIDs Church, we make this a priority. Our KIDs Church team provides an amazing experience at every service with a fun and engaging lesson.

Infant & Toddler Classes: Kids 6 weeks - 2 years old meet in the nursery room.

KIDs Church: Our K - 6th graders spend the morning in an exciting service where they get to worship Jesus with energetic music, play fun games, hear powerful messages and spend time discussing the lessons in small groups.


What is service like?

Each service begins with engaging and inspiring music played by a live band. We join together and sing, lift our hands, and passionately yield our lives to Jesus. We take time to pray corporately together and Continue worship by giving. Then a message rooted in the Bible is brought by our pastors. Hearing what God is saying through his word is the primary focus of our gathering together. The service concludes with opportunity for personal response and prayer. We believe that God will move in your life in powerful ways.

Service Times

Sunday 10:30 AM

Wednesday Online Only 7:00 PM

Knowing Him

Getting To Know Him

Making Him Known

A full list of what we believe can be found here